Ask Kim

Hello lovelies, So in celebration of hitting 100 followers I thought it would be nice to do a little simple Q and A, I asked for the questions on my instagram which is kimmsbeautyblog now let’s get started. @zh_makeup asked: what’s your favourite drug store and high end brand and why? A: My favourite drug…

My Favourite Christmas Films

Hello lovelies, So it’s getting very close to Christmas which I am excited for so I have been watching some Christmas films again and I’m just going to talk about a few of my favourites. My first favourite Christmas film had to be home alone 1 and 2, I’m pretty sure everyone has seen this…


Hello my lovelies so I’ve hit 100 followers like 100 people have taken time out of their life’s to follow me that’s crazy, I started this account on the 27th February having no idea on what I was doing, I posed like every 2-3 months and wondered why no one was reading my blog haha,…

Rimmel LipsticksĀ 

Hello lovelies, Firstly thank you for over 80 followers that is crazy and makes me so happy, thank you for following me, reading and liking my posts it really means a lot to me. Anyway today’s post is going to be on my Rimmel Lipsticks as I just love them a lot.  So the first…