My Favourite TV Series

Hello everyone,

Welcome back to my blog!

This year I promised myself I would get back into blogging and that’s what I’m trying to do! So far I’m doing well for me.

Anyway since becoming a home owner and not having the Internet just yet I have been watching a lot of different TV series, some I’ve seen before and some I never even thought about watching. So today I am here to share my favourites with you and my thoughts on them.

I have recently started watching Doc Martin, my mum has always watched it since it first started but I’ve never really had any interest in it till now. I’ve only watched the first series but I’m already in love with it, I just love him as a Doctor the characters are amazing and I love the little dog.

I have recently started to watch Gilmore Girls from the begging, this has been one of my favourites for a while so it just had to be included in this post, if you haven’t watched Gilmore girls you should it’s about a Mother and Daughter and life, I think it’s so relatable.

Another recommendation from my mum was Two Pints Of Larger And A Packet Of Crisps, at first I was unsure on it but once I was a few episodes in I was hooked. Its so funny, it had me laughing out loud and wanting to watch more and more. I love the characters Janet and Johnny, it’s just so addicting to watch.

That’s all I have to share with you today, what’s your favourite TV series?

Thank you for reading

Love Kimmsbeautyy

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